Funke Air Dance F3 - Cake

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150shots in caliber 30mm with the following effects:

1.) Z-Shape: Gold titanium tail to gold titanium Palm with gold strobe;

2.) Fan-Shape: Gold titanium tail to gold titanium Palm with green strobe;

3.) Z-Shape: Silver tail to silver palm with aqua and orange peony;

4.) Fan-Shape: Silver tail to silver palm with Aqua and pink peony;

5.) Z-Shape: Brocade tail to brocade crown king with red strobe;

6.) Fan-Shape: Brocade tail to brocade crown king with white strobe;

7.) Z-Shape: Gold crackling tail to gold crackling palm with blue peony and green strobe;

8.) Fan-Shape: Gold crackling tail to gold crackling palm with blue peony and red strobe;

9.) Z-Shape and Fan-Shape: Silver crackling tail to big silver chrys with Lemon, purple and aqua Dahlia

  • Hersteller: Funke Feuerwerk
  • Effektdauer: 46 Sekunden
  • Kategorie: F3
  • Kaliber: 30mm
  • Gefahrgutklasse: 1.3G
  • NEM: 3975g
  • Schusszahl: 150

  • Verkauf ausschließlich an Personen mit einem Befähigungsschein nach §20, einer Erlaubnis gem. §7 oder §27 SprengG